Improve your understanding of the Gig Economy

Select from a range of e-learning courses designed to inform, orient and build competencies of both policy stakeholders and platform-based gig workers.

A growing number of people in low- and middle-income countries earn a part or all of their income through digital labour platforms. It is clear that the digital labour platforms cannot be ignored and with it more and more people will rely on gig work as a mans of employment. To help both workers and policy stakeholders improve their understanding of the gig economy, its challenges and opportunities and provide them with practical information we have designed self-paced, online courses on the ever-evolving digital labour economy and platform work.

Gig Workers

Courses for
Gig Workers

  • 6 courses on navigating the gig economy and in-demand skills 
  • upto 45 min per course
  • free of charge 
  • self-paced learning 
  • earn digital badges & certificates 

policy stakeholders

for Policy

  • 8 modules of 45 min each covering rise & economics of the gig economy
  • free of charge 
  • self-paced learning 
  • earn certificate & digital badges 

Gig Workers

Courses for gig workers

  • each course approx 45 min
  • free and in e-learning format
  • informs gig workers about
    navigating the gig economy
    and essential skills trio

policy stakeholders

Courses for
policy stakeholders

Understanding the challenges and potential of digital labour platforms.

About the Gig Economy Initiative

GIZ implements the ‘Fair Work in the Gig Economy’ initiative on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

The project builds on the results of the collaboration with the Oxford Internet Institute in improving work on digital labour platforms and complements it at the level of platform workers, and policy and decision-makers. This is achieved through capacity development measures including e-learning courses, trainings, online tools and other stakeholder engagement formats.